
CMEC offers a number of accommodations for your visit! Staff members are available to help you access any of these accommodations or answer any questions.

Sensory Room

The sensory room is designed for sensory regulation. It is equipped with multiple sensory materials, including sensory seating, adjustable lighting, noise-canceling headphones, fidgets, a light wall and a starry sky tunnel!


We have two floors of exhibits. When you first enter the museum, you can find the elevator to the right of the welcome desk. It will bring you near the 2nd floor restrooms and sensory room. Exhibits are easy to access.

The Makery

The Makery is supplied with adaptive tools to support access for all visitors. We have adaptive scirros, triangle crayons, paper grip and more! Ask a staff member if you need help locating these materials.

Universal Design

Our exhibits are designed considering all people of diverse abilities by complying with universal design standards.

The universal design standards extend thinking to limiting barriers that may be encountered within a space.
It is our intention to address usability so our exhibits can be used by all people to the maximum extent by creating interactive and accessible exhibits and environments.

Considering a Visit?

Check Our Event Schedule

Our event schedule will help determine a less busy time for visitors. Field trips and events increase the number of guests at the museum which may contribute to the overall stimulation of your visit.

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8:00 am


7:00 pm

Dream It, Build It!

Special Event
The Children’s Museum of Eau Claire is excited to announce our big (and small) construction weekend entitled: “Dream it, Build it!”. Children and their families will have the opportunity to build with: * ALL of our Big, Medium, and Small Blue Blocks * our Rigamajig set * utilize our MakeDo tools and endless supplies of cardboard for Cardboard Construction * use LEGO bricks in our exhibits to make masterpieces * build and create on a small-scale with supplies in our Makery This event is meant to let-loose the inner architect and designer in every kid that comes to construct. Let’s see where imagination and ingenuity will take them as they build, build, build!
Register Here



5:00 pm


6:00 pm

Family Nature Club: Maple Syrup! at Beaver Creek Reserve

Explore the process of how sap becomes yummy maple syrup at Beaver Creek Reserve. We’ll venture out to our Sugar Bush and tap a tree, then go to our Sugar Shack and boil sap into syrup. We’ll end the program with maple syrup taste testing. Registration for each session closes 24 hours before. | Walk-ins will not be accepted. Cost: Non-members: $12/person | Triple Play Members: $8 *accompanying adults are FREE
Register Here



5:00 pm


7:00 pm

Sensory Night-Sponsored by Jamf Nation Global Foundation

Special Event
Join us as we partner with UWEC's Department of Special Education and Inclusive Practices for another Sensory Night designed for individuals with sensory needs. Our goal is to create an inclusive play environment, and for this evening, we will be reducing high-sensory elements in the museum, such as bright lights and loud sounds. We will provide adaptable supplies, sensory bins, and AAC device picture cards. Tonight’s focus will be on hearing. This event is free and sponsored by the Jamf Nation Global Foundation.
Register Here

You Should Know

Below are a collection of common questions and concerns our visitors ask us.

Available Times
Decorating & Food
Important Details
Prices, Payments, and Refunds
Where do we Park?

Have any further questions?

Give us a call at 715-832-5437 or send an e-mail to